On the enchanting planet Aldria, where two moons adorned the night sky with their radiant presence, a story of unity and games was born. It all began when a small spaceship, the 'Stellar Voyager', embarked on a journey through the universe. Aboard the Stellar Voyager were six intrepid crew members: Jonas, Tobias, Edouard, Thies, Laura and Andy. Their mission was one of exploration, a journey into the unknown.

Yet fate had other plans, and the Stellar Voyager encountered a catastrophic malfunction and crashed on one of the majestic mountains of Aldria. The crash was remarkable, not for its devastation, but for the incredible fortune that befell its crew. All survived, although their spaceship was beyond any repair. Stranded on this remote and beautiful planet, the passengers and crew of the Stellar Voyager were warmly welcomed by the Aldrians, the kind-hearted inhabitants of Aldria.

The Aldrians, known for their love of games and their connection to their two moons, saw an opportunity in the stranded spaceship. They decided to transform it into a place where people from all walks of life could come together and play. They aptly named it "Two Moons".

Despite the comparatively modest size of the spaceship, the creativity of the crew and the Aldrians knew no bounds. They created a unique gaming space with breathtaking views of the two moons, Verdona and Luminara. The crew of the spaceship and the Aldrians worked hand in hand to renovate the ship's interiors, turning the bridge and compartments into cozy game rooms. Games from across the galaxy found a new home within the walls of Two Moons. Card games, strategy games, and many others coexisted within the ship..

Over time, Two Moons became a symbol of unity and cultural exchange on Aldria. Visitors from distant star systems came not only to enjoy the natural beauty of the planet but also to participate in the vibrant gaming culture thriving within the transformed spacecraft. They formed connections based on their shared love for gaming and exchanged stories from their respective worlds, creating a web of friendships that bridged the cosmos.